Batman: Battle for the Cowl wrapped up this past week in the comics, and most people (including me) were pretty unhappy with it. Here are some thoughts on it, plus some other random stuff:
- Comixology compares the recent-ish deaths of Batman and Captain America. The short version: one kinda sucked, one was great.
- And here's a list of 5 reasons why Battle for the Cowl was terrible.
- Comics Should Be Good is posting a "cool comic book moment" every day this year, and the other day it was from a Suicide Squad story featuring Batman, Amanda Waller, and a little bit of Deadshot.
- IGN interviews Grant Morrison (spoilers ahead, if you're planning on reading Battle for the Cowl) about his upcoming Batman & Robin series, featuring the new Batman and new Robin.
- Romow picks the top 5 Batman villians but somehow excludes Two-Face.
- And there's another one of these villain profiles for the Arkham Asylum video game, this one featuring a pants-less Poison Ivy:
The Catwoman poll is probably closed by the time you read this (1 hour to go as I'm typing) but check over to the right if you want to try to get a last minute vote in. Or to see the final results.
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