This image is from Lunch Bag Art, a father who something on his kids' lunch bags every day. He did another Batman one but I rather liked the Pixar Batmobile. Anyway, lots of news over he weekend, so here goes:
- In an article about Dark Knight producer Michael Uslan, he mentions offhand that they're aiming for a 2011 release for Batman 3.
- A website campaigning for a Best Picture nomination for the Dark Knight got a thank you letter from Jonathan Nolan:
It’s truly humbling that you guys would take the time and effort to try to get the film recognized. I, like you, was disappointed that Chris didn’t get some recognition this morning, but for Heath and so many of the people who worked so hard on this thing to get nominated is thrilling.
They have a pretty slickly edited video up on the site too so it's worth clicking through. - The Dark Knight picked up two SAG awards, Heath Ledger for supporting actor and one for best stunt ensemble.
- That same guy who made a long pitch for a Riddler movie has put up another one that's even longer, this time featuring Catwoman, the Penguin, and Deadshot. I like a fair amount of what he wrote, but he seems to be approaching Catwoman having only seen the movies and the cartoon, taking a long time to arrive at how Selina's generally depicted in the comics these days. Oh, and Jeffrey Donovan's a good idea for Deadshot.
In site-related news, I'm working on making one big post to keep track of all the fan art I'm coming across, which I hope will be done this week. It may not be all that interesting to anyone else, but at least it'll help me keep track of the fake posters that I've already seen.
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